Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Challenge for Iskandar Malaysia

I have been in Iskandar Malaysia for more than a year and i can see the govt & IRDA are really pushing hard for physical development in Iskandar Malaysia. There is the spanking new Johor Govt administrative complex. The grandaur architecture bore similarity to putrajaya and it is also a dead city expect for office hours. There is the legoland and medini business center. At the same time, i could not see any real effort in sociodevelopment within Iskandar Malaysia. Of cource, it has the Iskandar commuter bus service, but it seems to serve the locals more than the singapore commuters / expectiarate. Also, I did not notice any significant expatiarate community in JB, it is kind of strange considerang Singapore has sizeable expat community in the country. The conclusion that I can make is that Iskandar Malaysia has not been able to attract any signifact project that eventually attract expats. Here I an presenting some of the challenges for Iskandar Malaysia Development Authority (IRDA) to look at . The challenges presented below looks simple, but it may require significant change to government-government relationship and also their existing procedure. At the same time I believe these changes would be beneficial to Iskandar Malaysia in order to promote itself as the alternative ( or better ) thanSsingapore

1- A 30 minute ride commuter service between Singapore and Iskandar Malaysia. Max 40 min during rush hour. If someone wants to stay is Singapore and work in Iskandar Malaysia, I think it is important to have a commuter service with very precise timing. The question is, can the IRDA work with Singapore authority to provide a bus service that guarantees the ride between Singapore and Malaysia within 30 min. ( that is inclusive of passport and immigration clearance by both sides)

2- Police report in English: The police stations in Iskandar Malaysia to receive police report in English. We all know that is has been a pain-in the neck for foreigner to file a police report in Bahasa Malaysia. Current process where the foreigner will explain the issue to police office in English and let them to write the report in Bahasa is not enhancing the trust between the police force and public. The challenge is, can the police force change the procedure to accept the report in English? I have written in my previous post about using google translator as one of the solution for english native speaker .. ie, a) we write the report in English, b) use google translator to translate it to malay c) print both and file both version as official report

Well, there you have it ... I hope 1 day I'll be able to see some version of these proposal implemented in Iskandar Malaysia

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