Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Police Report in English in Malaysia

As Malaysian's, we have to file any police report in Bahasa Malaysia. The logic for this might go back to early stage of independence where we wanted to ensure all Malaysian's use our national language for the sake of nation building , unity and etc etc

As the Malaysia progressed into 21th century , with the country becoming more international with entourage of expats and migrants, the simple process reporting any crime can become an uphill tasks to these group of people.

Fret not, with the advancement of technology particularly google translator, I think the problem can be resolved.

Current proposal is
1- let the public to type in the report in English into google translator
2- Google translator will produce the Bahasa Malaysia version of the report. Well, the technology is not perfect, but I think it will convey the message through.
Current process where the public has to explain the events to police officer in English and then let them write the report in Bahasa Malaysia is not perfect too.
3- print both the english and Bahasa Malaysia version ( from google translator) and file both as official report
4- The question right now is whether our Police system will be able to accept this procedure.

Example of google translation

At 7:00am this morning , we went out for a jog at the waterfront near Lido beach. Once we returned home at around 8:30am, we found the front door war ajar. We were sure that we locked the door properly before we left for the jog. We went inside and discovered that our plasma TV and laptop computer were missing
result from by google translator ( translate.google.com

Di 7:00 pagi ini, kami keluar untuk berjoging di tepi pantai berhampiran Lido.Apabila kita pulang pada sekitar 8:30, kita mendapati perang pintu renggang depan.Kami pasti bahawa kita dikunci pintu betul sebelum kami meninggalkan untuk berjoging.Kami masuk ke dalam dan mendapati bahawa TV plasma dan komputer riba telah hilang.

Not bad for machine translation

Btw .. I am thinking to start a Petition to allow police report in English in Malaysia , at least we need to get it for Iskandar Malaysia... anybody agrees with me?

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